Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Saturday Mail Delivery (USPS) Should It End

Ending Saturday mail delivery would save the beleaguered U.S. Postal Service, which lost $8.5 billion in 2010, lots of money. But how much money, exactly? Enough to make a difference and stop the bleeding? The answer depends on who you ask. The Postal Service says stopping Saturday mail, an idea that has been floated several times, and moving to five-day delivery would save the agency $3.1 billion. The Postal Service does not take this change lightly and would not propose it if six-day service could be supported by current volumes, the agency wrote. However, there is no longer enough mail to sustain six days of delivery. Ten years ago the average household received five pieces of mail every day. Today it receives four pieces, and by 2020 that number will fall to three. Reducing street delivery to five days will help re-balance postal operations with the needs of todays customers. It also will save about $3 billion a year, including reductions in energy use and carbon emissions. But the Postal Regulatory Commission says ending Saturday mail would save far less than that, only about $1.7 billion a year. The Postal Regulatory Commission also projected that ending Saturday mail would result in larger mail volume losses than the Postal Service predicts. In all cases, we chose the cautious, conservative path, Postal Regulatory Commission Chairwoman Ruth Y. Goldway said in March of 2011. Our estimates, therefore, should be seen as the most likely, middle ground analysis of what could happen under a five-day scenario. How End of Saturday Mail Would Work Under five-day delivery, the Postal Service will no longer deliver mail to street addresses - residences or businesses - on Saturdays. Post Offices will remain open on Saturdays, though, to sell stamps and other postal products. Mail addressed to post office boxes will continue to be available Saturday. The Government Accountability Office has raised questions about whether the Postal Service could realize $3.1 billion in savings by ending Saturday mail. The Postal Service is basing its projections on eliminating city- and rural-carrier work hours and costs through attrition and involuntary separations. First, USPSs cost-savings estimate assumed that most of the Saturday workload transferred to weekdays would be absorbed through more efficient delivery operations, the GAO wrote. If certain city-carrier workload would not be absorbed, USPS estimated that up to $500 million in annual savings would not be realized. The GAO also suggested that the Postal Service may have understated the size of the potential mail volume loss. And volume loss translates into revenue loss. Impact of Ending Saturday Mail Ending Saturday mail would have some positive and plenty of negative impacts, according to the Postal Regulatory Commission and GAO reports. Ending Saturday mail and implementing a five-day delivery schedule, the agencies said, would: save the Postal Service an estimated $1.7 billion a year, nearly half as much as the $3.1 billion projected by the agency itself; reduce mail volume and result in net revenue losses of $600 million a year, far more than the $200 million in lost revenue projected by the Postal Service; cause a quarter of all First-Class and Priority mail to be delayed by two days; negatively impact business mailers, local newspapers that rely on Saturday delivery, residential mailers who would be affected by longer mail transit times, and other population groups, such as rural residents, the homebound, or the elderly; reduce the advantage that USPS has over competitors that do not offer Saturday delivery, particularly delivering postal parcels on Saturdays at no additional charge; and diminish USPSs image, in part by reducing public contact with carriers. Ending Saturday mail would improve USPSs financial condition by reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and better aligning its delivery operations with reduced mail volumes, the GAO concluded. However, it would also reduce service; put mail volumes and revenues at risk; eliminate jobs; and, by itself, be insufficient to solve USPSs financial challenges.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on The Massachusetts and Chesapeake Colonies

America, one of the youngest countries in the world, partly owes its success to the events that took place in the northeastern coast in the 1600s. It was great risk for English to colonize in America, a foreign and faraway land, from which they did not know what to expect. At that time, America was dominated by Dutch and French traders and a native population not-so-friendly with most of the settlers. The colonies in Massachusetts and Chesapeake, located at the main crossroads of English, Dutch, and French settlers and natives, play a significant role in the development of the future world power. Although today the east coast enjoys a harmonious and successful lifestyle, in the early days of our Nation’s birth, the Massachusetts and†¦show more content†¦John Rolfe was responsible for finding the perfect blend of tobacco that made the cash crop so successful. The climate of the Chesapeake was good for farming because of the long growing season and its flat land. In 161 9, African slaves were introduced to Chesapeake society. This caused a significant increase in the demand for workers. Also in 1619, the House of Burgess was established to elect representatives for office. The settlers who established on the northern east coast were strictly searching for a land with religious freedom. The Puritans, followers of John Calvin, settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In England, they wished to purify the Anglican Church but were persecuted by King James I. The Puritans believed in well-ordered communities and families. They stressed education and the specific roles for males and females. The Pilgrims, or Separatists, founded Plymouth Colony and wrote the Mayflower Compact as a self government document by taking advantage of a loophole in their charter. This was the first self government treaty in North America. They believed that the English church was so corrupt that they had to establish their own independent congregations. As time passed, the New England settlements grew in population and diversity and split into different colonies such as Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, andShow MoreRelatedThe New World1640 Words   |  7 Pagesof England, or start a new life with their family. Specific reasons for leaving England had its respective colonies to travel to. For this reason, the northern New England colonies and the southern colonies like Virginia and Maryland in the Chesapeake bay area started to establish ways of life that began to develop very different lifestyles. The reasoning behind the foundation of each colony is what created such a substantial amount of difference between two areas of English settlement. FollowingRead MoreThe Chesapeake Colonies and New England Colonies Essay1260 Words   |  6 Pagesestablished colonies in Mexico and Mesoamerica. In 1607, England established its first colony in North America around the Chesapeake Bay, and nearly a decade later established a second colony in present-day New England. Both New England and the Chesapeake were founded by the British around the same time; however, both colonies developed a different economy, government, and many other ways of life. In 1607, King James I. granted a charter to the Virginia Company which allowed them to start a colony in theRead MoreThe United States1676 Words   |  7 Pagesknown then as the London Company, in 1606, but it progressed from that rough start to become the first permanent English colony in North America, located in Jamestown. New additions soon came to what would be the United States: Plymouth in 1620; eastern Massachusetts in 1630; and finally Maryland in 1632. The first two colonized regions of North America by the British, the Chesapeake Bay and New England, faced early difficulties, had relatively unsuccessful economies as well as commonly plagued relationshipsRead MoreThe New England And Chesapeake Colonies1471 Words   |  6 Pageswas the formation of the thirteen colonies along the North American east coast. These colonies are generally divided into New England, Middle and South or the Chesapeake regions. Most of these colonies were settled by the British, yet they develope d differently as the years went by. Some developed into more egalitarian colonies and some not. The greatest differences could be seen in the New England and Chesapeake regions. Even though the New England and Chesapeake regions were settled originally byRead MoreSocial Structure and Development in the Chesapeake and New England Colonies950 Words   |  4 Pages The Chesapeake and New England colonies were both settled by predominantly British immigrants. They founded the Chesapeake colonies such as Virginia in 1607 and Maryland in 1634 they founded the New England colonies such as Massachusetts in 1630, Connecticut in 1635, Rhode Island is 1636 and New Hampshire in 1639. Both the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies started as similar colonies but developed into different societies. The New England and Chesapeake colonies developed intoRead MoreDbq Colonial New England and Chesapeake Regions891 Words   |  4 PagesDBQ: Colonial New England and Chesapeake Regions The Chesapeake and New England regions were settled by people of English descent, but by 1700, they had become two distinctly different societies. They had evolved so differently, mainly because of the way that the settlers followed their religion, their way of conducting politics and demographics in the colonies. Even though the settlers came from the same homeland: England, each group had its own reasons for coming to the New World and differentRead MoreOut of Many Ch.3 Dbq Questions. Essay756 Words   |  4 Pagesshape the development of that colony? * Winthrop wants them to be a city in which everyone can copy, and look up to. They want to be a city upon a hill, literally where they can control everyone around them. They want to be a prosperous yet very close minded estate with no religious tolerance. * What kinds of settlers arrived in Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth Plantation, and Connecticut? * The puritans and Pilgrims arrived there (New England Colony). They were very religious.Read MoreEssay about The Success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony1523 Words   |  7 PagesIn the 1600’s, two colonies were establishing themselves on the east coast of North America. In 1607, a group of merchants, known as the Virginia Company, settled at Jamestown, Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay (Divine, 72); while Puritan leader John Winthrop, stationed himself and his followers at Massachusetts Bay in 1630. (Divine, 90) Although both settlements started off relatively the same, the greater success of one over the other has caused continuous debates between many, including the descendantsRead MoreEnglish Colonies in North America (Ap Us History)1253 Words   |  6 PagesUS History English Colonies in North America Before the seventeenth century, countries such as Portugal and Spain had controlled the rich lands of the Americas, and England was left out of the race due to religious conflict back home. However, when Queen Elizabeth came into power, England’s power also rose in the colonial game in the America. Some of the first colonies they gathered are the ones of Virginia and Carolina. They also acquired the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Rhode Island.Read MoreDifferences in Development between the Chesapeake Regions and New England 1555 Words   |  7 PagesDevelopment between the Chesapeake Regions and New England The seventeenth and early eighteenth century, brought thousands of immigrants to America in pursuit of freedom and a new life. Some desired freedom from religious persecution, others wanted a chance to be free from the poverty that ensnared them in England Thus the American colonies were formed. Although the colonies were all united under British rule, they eventually separated into various regions including the Chesapeake region, the New England

Monday, December 9, 2019

Romeo Juliet Act 3 Scene 5 Essay Example For Students

Romeo Juliet Act 3 Scene 5 Essay The situation is that Juliet is married to Romeo but without the consent or knowledge of her or Romeos parents. The only other people who know of Juliets and Romeos betrolal are the nurse and the fair Lawance. Faria Lawance married the couple but some would argue that it was only in the interests of him. People would argue this because Faria Lawance was an unknown, non-famous enterty, so he was to bring to together the two biggest gangs in Veriona, he would go down in history. This is unknown to either Romeo or Juliet; the couple believe that Faria Lawance acted in the best interests for the couple not himself. The language which is used between the two lovers is very different to how Romeo speaks to his friends the Montugues or his enemies the Capulets. Romeo speaks of love and dieing for love, as does Juliet when taking to Romeo. During this emotional scene Romeo speaks of dieing for Juliet, this is ironic because the audience know that eventual each dieing for each other. Shakespeare writes it in this way because it engrosses the audience within the scene. Juliet notes to Romeo about the nightingale still singing, this make Romeo stay because Romeo will only go at first light, so if a night bird such as the nightingale is still singing it must infer that it is still night. If I was directing the scene between Romeo and Juliet I would place Juliet higher than Romeo. The reason for placing Juliet higher than Romeo is to show that, even though Juliet is younger she still has a great love for Romeo. To set the actors like this is to create an effect of a sea-saw on the audience. If Juliet was higher than Romeo and the same age as Romeo then it would give the impression that Juliet had more love for him. But as Juliet is younger the age gap metaphorically drags Juliet down to Romeos level, therefore evening out their love for each other. This would act of dragging Juliet down to Romeos level of love though her age intensifies the lack of reasoning the young couple have. Showing that Juliet is coming down to a level gives a feeling of depression or lack of knowledge. This act makes the audience believe that the young couple have rushed into their act of marriage when they dont actually love each other at all. This blocking of the actors and scenery will then show later, when the two die for each other, how much they did love each other deeply, so by correct the audience of their view on the young lovers love. After Juliet and Romeo depart from each others embraces Lady Capulet walks in on Juliet. At that moment in time Lady Capulet does not know of the couples marriage. Lady Capulet had come to talk to Juliet about arranging a marriage for Juliet to Paris. Juliet doesnt know about the intentions of her mother until later in the duologue. At first the two speak of the death of Juliets cousin. Juliet makes out to be weeping his death and would like to kill whoever did it. Lady Capulet then tells Juliet that Romeo committed this sinful act, Juliet disusing her love for Romeo, speaks of death and destruction of him. In Juliets dialogue to her mother she says such lines as Indeed I will never be satisfied with Romeo until I have him in my arms -dead- is my poor heart for a kinsman vexd. To lady Capulet this sounds like Juliet wants Romeo dead, but if she had listened to what Juliet really meant is that she wants Romeo in her arms, Dead is my poor heart. Lady Capulet heard that Juliet wants Romeo in her arms, dead. Juliet uses intelligent word plays too explain her love for Romeo. This is all to no avail because later in the duologue Juliet releases her true feelings. This happens when Lady Capulet tells Juliet of Lady Capulets intention for Juliet to marry Paris. Juliet then finds herself telling her mother of her true feelings and intentions towards Romeo. The language used between the mother and daughter changes throughout the duologue. At first Lady Capulet is sympathetic towards Juliet because she is under the impression that Juliet is morning her cousins death, but as duologue continues the mothers speech turns from sympathetic to demanding. The turning point in the mothers speech is the line Find thou the means, and Ill find such a man this starts the mothers demands for Juliet to marry Paris. During Juliets speech she uses double meanings and puns get across her feelings for Romeo. Juliet knows that if she keeps all her feeling locked up inside herself she just get depress from be blocked by society. Donne's poem, EssayThis would show to the audience that even though Juliet loves a sworn rival she still loves her father, but her father is unable to see that, so Capulet should kick her away from him to show disgust in her. As Capulet starts turn and walk away from Juliet, Juliet should jump from the floor and grab his arm. Capulet should then turn and slap Juliet. Juliet will then fall to the floor holding the red mark which her father has just inflicted on her; the nurse then should go over and mother the child from this beating. Lady Capulet and Capulet should strut out to show how they believe that Juliet is second rate to them and not worthy in their family. As the nurse mothers the beaten child, the nurse contradicts the words which she had spoken previously. The nurse says how she thinks that Juliet after marring Romeo should go and marry Paris for her fathers sake. The Nurse says lines like I think it best you married with the country, this is the complete opposite of what the nurse had said to Juliet earlier in the performance. The nurse states the good side of Paris stating that hes a lovely gentleman, hoping this will appeal to her and draw her away from Romeos violence. Juliet in response finds it hard to see how the nurse, once so proud and overjoyed for the love between Romeo and Juliet, now says that is best not to marry for love, but for honour and her family. The nurses language within this scene is confuting but forceful. The nurse tells Juliet that what she said about marrying Romeo, a rival to her father, family and to Juliet, is idiocy. This is when the nurse had said that marring Romeo was right and good earlier in the performance. It is arguable that the nurse was only acting in the best interests of herself. The nurse may have only be telling Juliet this because if Capulet and Lady Capulet were to find out who assisted Juliet get married, the parents would only act in the most aggressive ways. So by persuading Juliet to marry Paris she would not only be covering her tracks of helping Juliet get married to Romeo, but would assist Lady Capulet and Capulet getting Juliet to marry Paris, there by keeping her job as the nurse and being on the good side of the parents. Juliets agrees with the nurses idea of marring Paris but knows that she will never go through with it. Juliets language and the words which she says are much different to what is meant by them. During this scene I would have Juliet and the nurse sitting on the floor together with Juliet crying into the nurses blouse. As the scene progresses the nurse should left Juliet up onto the bed but Juliet should still be crying into the nurse. The nurse should be stroking Juliets head and speaking very softly to her, just as a mother would to a child. This would signify the real connection between the nurse and the child. As the nurses speech continues and she speaks of leaving Romeo for Paris, Juliet should pull her head away from the blouse and her facial expression should change to confusion. The nurse should always be under the impression that Juliet is understanding and agreeing with everything that she is saying. So to conclude the language within each duologue changes as the characters become more and more aware of their situations. Most of the duologues start with a depression about Juliets cousins death and moves onto Juliet being blamed for the loved of a rival. Son the movement of the scene is split up into 4 duologues. Each duologue is about the same person, Romeo, but the way in which each duologue are spoken changes from character to character. The themes and ideas expressed within the scene can be related in todays society. The themes such as loving another which displeases the parents can be related to very common events which happen in households across the world. For example; the marriage between to ethnic groups may displease some people saying how it is wrong, you should never marry out of your race. So in that sense Romeo and Juliet is a story way ahead of its time, its a story which is applicable to years ago and years to come.

Monday, December 2, 2019

One Month Study Plan For The SAT

Summer coming to an end means getting back into the fray. This includes tackling the fall SAT exam. If you have not yet begun your SAT prep, weve got you covered with a one-month study plan fromGreen Test Prep. A month is not an ideal amount of time to prepare for one of the most important tests of your high school career, and we advise all students to give themselves ample time to practice for the SAT. With that being said, you can still get the score you deserve as long as you’re willing to construct a strict study regimen and stick to it. With these five steps to preparing and practicing intelligently, you can ace your SAT with only one months preparation. Construct a study schedule: Before you even pick up a book you need to have a clear idea of your time commitment over the next month. Your schedule should be balanced with two weeks of 4-5 hours of studying per week, and two weeks of 8 hours of studying per week. This way you are prepared but also not mentally exhausted. Individual study sessions should be no longer than 60-90 minutes. Learn the fundamentals: Early on you will be tempted to dive straight into practice tests but you need to fight that urge! Practice is important but first you need to build a solid base of understanding. The new SAT isn’t just about how good you are at taking tests, it’s about showing your grasp on math and reading fundamentals. Mix up subjects: Don’t be afraid to study both math and reading in one study session. Although 60-90 minutes isn’t very long, you will need to train your mind to quickly adjust between reading problems and mathematics just like in the actual test. Supplemental reading: Each week try and read 2-3 business, tech, or science articles outside of your SAT test prep textbooks. You can easily find such articles in major news publications or magazines such as Time, The New Yorker, or The New York Times. These gives you a good sense the language you will face when you take the test. Try and truly absorb what the article is trying to get across, analyze it the same you would with an SAT passage. Practice: After your first week of studying it’s time to start including practice tests into your schedule. Take one at the end of your first week to gauge where you are, this will give you a good frame of reference moving forward. Then for your final three weeks take two tests each week, one half way through the week and one at the end. This will drastically reduce your test anxiety and give you constant feedback on your progress. Remember not to overdo it, a month is a short window of time but when managed intelligently you can still reach your academic potential. Need help identifying your mistakes? Use Green Test Prep, an online SAT prep platform, to help improve your score. Anthony-James Green, called â€Å"America’s Top SAT Tutor† by Business Insider, is renowned as the best SAT and ACT tutor in the industry. After working with over 450 students one-on-one, and thousands more through Green Test Prep, his online SAT and ACT program, Green has helped to raise students’ scores by an average of 346+ points on the SAT and 4.6+ points on the ACT. His work has been featured everywhere from The New York Times and CNN to FOX Business and Good Morning America. Learn more about Anthony.